Basic Income International Summit

3 min readApr 9, 2019


UBI Taiwan — Bilingual Summit Notes

Image from Michael K. Spencer

What is Basic Income?


Basic Income as the foundation of a caring society

According to Professor Sarath Davala, there are six main conditions under the concept of Basic Income: Unconditional, Cash, All Citizens, Individual, Every Month, A Right.

Does our self-worth come only from “paid work”? And not from all other activity of life? Is our life divided between boring jobs and leisure activity to compensate for it? Does Leisure mean more consumption? Do you feel anxious when you’re not doing a job? … All these questions are actually questioning the current system and capitalism in our society, are we happy under these conditions?

Three Opportunities to Build a caring Society
1) Technology Advances at exponential rate
2) Ecological, Ethical, Moral Revival
3) Social Re-imagination, Re-engineering

Basic Income lays the foundation of a caring society and economy. It provides space for young people to think and make up their minds about their vacation in life. Raises floor for everyone and provides a solid ground to every human being to build their lives. Removes the stigma of the welfare recipient. Also enables people to chose to do things other than competitive labor market shift to more creative pursuits. Thus people feel cared for in this world.

UBI and the ideological Heritage of Marx

It is pointed out that UBI is the gentle first step towards Marx’s ideal under the contemporary technical conditions, not just to solve the unemployment problem brought about by automation.

I know that the concept of UBI maybe a redemption for some social issues, but the big question which pops up in my mind is: How can you explain the failure of communism? Is this suggesting that humanity is not as strong as we thought? By giving more time, space, and trust, can we really move toward to the ideal society?

Why is UBI a good topic for popular philosophy?

Faced with multi-value disputes and false information shocks, modern democratic societies need good thinking and communication skills. These skills require a cross-cutting foundation, and the philosophy of argumentation analysis and value speculation may not be absent.

UBI helps us to see the complexity of future:
1) Automation: When all the goods and services are generated by machines, and human has no money to buy it, what’s the point?
2) Under the progress of technology, we’re still having the same working hours: Where’s the value that I produced additionally?

UBI helps us to see the complexity of policy:
1) Everyone is equal unconditionally: As we all know, there’re many certain economical conditions when it comes to applying for social subsidies.
2) Avoids unemployment dilemma: Some minorities may give up a working opportunity in order to meet the requirement of getting allowance.
3) Avoids employment dilemma: People would have to right to say “no” to bull shit jobs

UBI helps us to see the complexity of society:
1) Eases background disorders: Unless you kill the social meaning of competition for school admission, it doesn’t change anything by reforming the educational system… ; No matter how you fix the Labor Standard Laws, it just doesn’t help if labors don’t fight for themselves…
2) Rethink the meaning of work: Do we only work for living? Besides traditional jobs, are there any other new job opportunities?

UBI helps us to conduct value speculation:
1) The doubt of "getting it for nothing”: UBI gives cash to people unconditionally without paying any effort, it this fair? Does this mean that we encourage people to get it for nothing?
2) If it’s unfair, meaning that we all believe in “No pain, no gain”, then does this belief also applies to receiving money by inheritance?
3) What kind of society needs to maintain the concept of “No pain, no gain”?

All these questions above are good practices to help you rethink critically. In fact, the flexibility of philosophy is “there is not right or wrong answers”. Sometimes when we don’t make assumptions and talk over issues neutrally, we might get the opportunity jumping over confirmation bias and achieve our goal on initiating the issue itself.




Written by TZU

Be brave enough to listen to your heart…

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