Global Service Jam -Taipei

5 min readMar 31, 2019


Deep Jam: Design out Plastic — team project record

The Big Question

How can we design out plastic waste from our everyday life as citizens and consumers?

Initial Research

【Purpose】 Get to know more about the question
【Approach】 Online research
【Framework】Plastic Life-cycle

We divided this issue into four pieces by using the plastic life-cycle as our primary framework. Then we tried to understand the local situation by conducting research individually on each piece of the plastic journey.

From: Design Thinkers Academy London

We discovered that “production”, “end of use” and “end of life” involves many counter parts such as manufacturer, government, and other large institutions that plays a role within the value chain. These parties are normally hard to be persuaded or make big changes. So we decided to cut in from the perspective of “consumption”, to think of how can we enhance the awareness of “ reducing plastic consumption” from a consumer angel.

Advanced Research

【Purpose】 Local Situation understanding
【Approach】 Online research for current solutions
【Framework】Supply and Demand

On behalf of the big question, we searched for more localized information and came up with several different ideas such as:

Supply side:
- Is it possible to produce plastic in a more easy to recycle way? For example using single material to produce a plastic bag (cause mixed materials are normally hard to break down and recycle)…
- Is it possible to consider “recycle” as a after sales service? Would need to consider the incentive of doing this from a supplier’s angle…
- Any other ways to generate incentive of recycling plastic for a third party?

Demand side:
How can consumers diminish the frequency of using plastics?
- How can we generate a Eco-friendly systems to replace the current cycle of using plastic? How do we persuade citizens using this? (i.g. sth biodegradable to replace plastic)
- How do we calculate the total consumption of plastic (e.g. plastic footprint system) for each citizen?

Current/potential solutions:
Uber, food panda, honestbee… recycling plastics products
- Hotels which prohibit customers using disposable products during their stay
- Community resource sharing, such as sharing environment-friendly tableware or so…

According to the statistics of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan, the average annual consumption of disposable beverage cups in Taiwan is about 1.5 billion, and there is a trend of increasing year by year, with plastic cups accounting for 470 million. The height of the stack can reach 44,000 Taipei 101s.

Another joint study by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey consultants, 8 million tons of plastic waste enters the ocean every year. If we don’t make any change, by 2050, marine plastic waste will be as much as the number of fish.

Since 2011, the Taiwan government has promoted preferential measures to encourage consumers to prepare their own environmental protection cups. However, the proportion of self-provided still remains around 10%. Because many people think that carrying an eco-friendly cup is too much trouble, and it can only save a little money. For the convenience of the guests, the merchant also provides disposable beverage cups and straws.

We create an application by collaborating to specific beverage shops in Taiwan.

Narrow down on one topic — core solution

【Dimension】Consumption, Enhance the awareness of plastic reduction
【Region】Taiwan, Taipei
【Object】Plastic Cup (the temptation of handmade drinks)
【Target Audience】Consumers that has the cognition of environmental awareness, but is lack of incentive and approach to execute
【Core Solution】 ID-based plastic consumption record extension

We decided to cooperate with a chain beverage store which currently has an App and pays attention to environmental protection. By introducing our extension to their app, customers could have the opportunity to keep a record on their usage of plastic and reusable cups.

In additional, we designed a cute game to make up the image for reminding people being eco-friendly while buying drinks. Also with incentives such as discount collection and free drinks, we encourage customers to make their decision by being eco-friendly.

Customer Journey Map

By utilizing a simplified CJM, we can see that there are several cellphone touch points that might be a chance to remind customer about this extension.

Original designed by Melody

How does the extension works?

【Gamification】 People can incubate eggs by buying drinks for 5 times. If they use disposable plastic cups more than eco-friendly cups, they can only hatch “plastic monster”. On the other hand, cute creatures will be born and people can make the collection about the cute animals with coupons.
【Cohort impact】 The application will show how many people join the activity with the user. People are often influenced by others’ behavior. It is important to let the user know that they are not alone.
【Notification】The application will connect with user’s calendar and it will send notification at an hour before the event starts. The notification will not only remind users based on their schedule but also remind them to bring their eco-friendly bottle with him/her.
【Statistics】The extension helps people to keep record on their eco-friendly cup v.s. plastic cup usage. As a reminder, we show them the percentage of their usage every time when they buy drinks. By visualizing their behaviors with numbers, this subtle display might effect people’s decision. Therefore, they might keep this issue in mind and change their behavior next time.

Key Findings from Prototyping and Testing

【Persona 1】People who has the concept of environmental issues, but rarely use reusable cups:
- Believes that this extension can help keep an record on their consumption habit
- Discount would be a good incentive for them and thus might change their behavior gradually
- Collecting environmental animals or famous characteristics by using this extension would be a positive adding point (makes them feel happy and interesting by doing so)

【Persona 2】People who has the concept of environmental issues,and usually use reusable cups:
- Believes that this extension might be a good practice to encourage others but might not need the app to remind themselves
- Would like to know their implication of using reusable cups (for example how does this action save the planet?or sea turtles?)
- Would be great if the collection od discount function is very quick and easy (e.g. customers don’t need to manually manage the record and check the deadline of discount constantly)

【Persona 3】People who don’t have the concept of environmental issues, and rarely use reusable cups:
- Believes that this extension would not be that interesting if the discount is not valuable enough to them
- They often don’t like the reminder of bringing reusable cups cause they don’t even care about this issue
- They might be affected by peers if most of the people are taking this action and could also benefit from it (ex discount or other incentives)

Prototype Demo video

We utilized the marvel app to develop our initial prototype, see below demo:




Written by TZU

Be brave enough to listen to your heart…

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